Thursday, February 5, 2015

Happy Anniversary to Hafmynn!

Hehe... apesal tahun ni ada habit delay memanjang eh? asyik belated je... Dari besday suami hari tu, semua entry pun belated... saya sangat ketienggalan zaman lorh! :D

Okay sebenarnya ada cerita la.. bukan sebab suka suki je nak delay posting..hehe...

Al Kisahnye gini ye.... On that very day before our 2nd wedding anniversary, Haffby ada ajak dating dekat One Utama... katanya dah lama tak tengok wayang dengan sang isteri yang semakin besar bagaikan Johan inihhh.... So, haritu dah plan dah.. after our religious class, nak solat zuhur and terus chow to the mall... Unfortunately, pagi tu bangun bangun je dah rasa tak sedap badan and macam mata kelabu satu macam... masa tu ingat less sugar ke ape badan ni?

So, I cakap kat dia yang i nak rest dulu... lepas zohor tengok macamana... sekali. amekkaw! tertidur sampai almost Asar and I got up... went to him and said sorry that I was not able to make it... being as cool as always, dia just senyum and cakap "It's okay, you just rest okay?"...

Jadi, I was having a terrible chill fever sampai la hari Selasa... semua tusyen cancel, semua aktiviti nak mengemas rumah pun terbantut sebabnye memang tak larat and lay flat on the bed sahaja... anniversary pun very simple... (tu la, orang tua tua kata jangan nak excited melampau sangat, ni lah padahnye)

However, the day had come pun hari tu... he wished me first while I'm still drowsy on the bed, baca wish dia dekat FB... hehe! wah,sangat zaman University kan? Semua pakai handphone hajooooo...

Anyway, to my husband..

Happy Anniversary to you,B. You show me that love in reality is not as the same at all in those fairy tales, but to make it happen, we have to work for it kan? May Allah bless you and thank you for being you.. Looking forward to spend more and more time with you.. :) Love you always, suami! 

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