Sunday, October 18, 2020

Hello October!

Dearest Blog, 

Alhamdulillah for things that happened in my life... 

Above all the things that happened, I must say that not ALL was good either EVERYTHING was 't ever bad, but I am sure enough that all things happened taught me lessons in ways that I couldn't imagine,ever! 

I am grateful that throughout the journey of life, I have such strong support systems that evolves around me which I think everyone needs as to keep moving forward and plan for a better future, for you and your loved ones. 

Not going to rant and share too details here but I must say that everybody in this world will go through such phase that truly challenges your capability as a whole -- in a way, wanting you to think out of the box, requiring you to be extra patient, remain calm and one thing for sure -->  deciding what's best for your life which now, is not only for myself.. but for my kids and for everyone around me too!

Sometimes, challenges in life also make you learn so much things... such as:-

  • Forgive and Learn to Forget : At times, when you expect too much of a happy ending towards everything, you tend to forget that you are in a real-world situation which obstacles occur, and there comes your decision making moment. As for me, this might sound cliche, but I learned that it's best to forgive for a more serenity life, as well as learn and try to forget what hurts you especially when you know those are the things that have been conquering your fear to move on... 
  • Silence is gold : It's mostly recommended to talk or share with the trusted individuals regarding your concerns, worries or doubts... but at times also, it is definitely okay to just remain silence. Silence is gold--> in a way that when we remain quiet, we are actually giving room for us to fix things. letting the other side to 'cool down', and sometimes leaving other people ponder and wonder which leads to the next point:
  • Bid farewell to what people think of you: Yeap, true. In this life, it is never easy to win everyone's heart because no matter how you tried, initially there will be dissatisfaction among people around you... at the end of the day, you gotta ask yourself... what's the purpose of your living? As for me, I really love and adore to see people succeed, happy and healthy... but to the extend that sometimes I hurt myself more than anyone could ever imagine... why? because I cared tooooo much about what people have to say about me... and soon, i learnt that:
  • LOVE YOURSELF, FIRST before you could ever love anyone else. I learnt that is is so much important to take care of ourself, love our body and be careful in selecting food for our body. I mean like.. hello? I have two soldiers that I have to chase, play and spend time with.. why would I want to be unhealthy and surround myself with negative thoughts?
Hmm... So you see, through out my silence.. i have learnt a lot.. and guess what? I am back to rant here often! Watch this space :) 

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