Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Breastfeeding Journey - I thought it was..

Hey there!
Since I am a mom now, most of my priorities are set up to different phase.. in a way, I have another priority to set focus on which is my newborn baby... 

Well, everyone knows that mommies' milk would be the best choice to be given to the baby as it is rich with benefits, I tell ya! From those younger days, I always thought that breastfeeding is easy peasy as the mommies could just offer the boobs the baby and tadaa, that's it... the baby will suck and drink all he wants like nobody's business!

BUT! when it comes to my personal experience, I found that breastfeeding is challenging and really test your patience to see whether or not you are in this or you give up.. my choice was: to try and not to give up! 

I guess the error that I did was to feed my baby with a formula milk plus bottle at a very early age - when he was only 4 days in the world! *however, I am lucky still that I managed to get him drink the colostrum as it it said to be very good for the baby!* 

So, as days went by... It hurts to see that your baby does not want to drink directly from the boobs, seriously ... I know very well mana salahnya, it.s actually my very own fault that I biar je orang bagi anak I formula milk and now, baby ARW is still learning to latch even though he's already a month old..

I am not sure whether this is considered as Relactation or what, but I am not giving up on this.. bukan nya badan kita takde susu, ada je tapi I think he's more satisfied minum straighht from the bottle yang deras je aliran susu kan? Lagipun bila pam and letak dalam botol pun, it's already 2 oz siap jadi member pun puas la minum...

I am currently at my second week trying very hard to produce more and more milk... while doing lots of reading and blog hopping from one to another... I'm proud that some blogger moms are willing to share their tips regarding their breastfeeding journey...

Among my readings, I found many tips and thankful for their tips... antaranya adalah:

  1. Drink plenty of plain and warm water (say the least is 3L per day -- ni pun boleh tolong korang kurus ok)
  2. Healthy Diet (eat healthy meals : fruits, carbo, protein, etc) 
  3. Halba and Habatussauda (to increase more milk)
  4. Susu (well basically, you need susu to produce susu right? :p )
  5. Pam, Pam and Pan (every 2 to 3 hours - MESTI!)
  6. Most importantly, positive thinking .. stay optimism!
I envy those who can feed their babies directly, but at the same time.. they are also my source of inspiration not to give up... hehe, as for this mission.. i have my own mantra.. which is "I can do this, I can. I can produce milk, I can. I want my baby to have exclusive breast milk (EBM), "

Friends, wish me luck as this whole journey of pam and feed are not easy! 

Well, I am thinking to write more... next entry perhaps? :D

By the way, for all the mommies to be out there... perhaps you wanna visit all these blogs for your reference... hey, not only mommies to be, but also for mommies who wished to do Relactation :) come on, together we can! :D

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